Lions Eye Institute at Albany, NY Inc. logo

Lions Eye Institute at Albany & Lions Foundation at Albany


Video about Becoming a Patient and Receiving Services (from 2022)

Video about the Albany Medical College Residency Program (from 2022)

Video about “Sharon’s Story” (from 2022)

Video about LEI Fundraising (from 2022)

Video from the Albany Medical Center about their eye surgery training program (from 2021)

Video about the Lions Eye Institute (from 2011)

Our mission is to continually strive to develop and focus on new treatments, technologies, eye research, and educational opportunities for our educators, physicians and communities in order to provide the very best patient care for the people of NY and our neighbors in New England.

The Lions Have a Proud Tradition of Giving.

For over 80 years, Lions worldwide have demonstrated a commitment to aid the blind and to support those with serious eye problems. Nowhere is that commitment more evident than in New York State.

Over the past two decades especially, the approximately 5,000 Lions and Lionesses, representing 160 Lions clubs from Districts 20-O, 20-Y and 20-W, have worked together to establish an unmatched regional resource of excellence for people with sight problems-the Lions Eye Institute.

An eye exam